MSU Department of Theatre Freshmen Perform Annual Improv Comedy Showcase

First-year students from the Michigan State University Department Theatre take on improv comedy in the 15th annual Freshman Showcase: Together We Will Improvise. Performance dates are December 2-5 in Studio 60 of the Auditorium Building. Attendees must be masked for the health and safety of our students.

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CREATE! Micro-Grant 2021 Winners Announced

Twelve student projects were selected to each receive $500 CREATE! Micro-Grants to respond critically and imaginatively to events occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the funding, micro-grant winners will craft a variety of works using creative mediums such as film, dance, poetry, song, and oil painting to tackle issues involving race, isolation, body image, language, and more.

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Conversations with CAL – Innovations in Modern Choreography Intimacy for the Stage

Intimacy Directors and Coordinators is an organization pioneering the best practices for performed intimacy, simulated sex and nudity for theatre, live performance, tv and film. The team is comprised of the professionals who were critical to the creation of the fields of Intimacy Direction for Theatre, TV and Film, creating what are now the accepted standards across the industry...

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