The academic minor in theatre, which is administered by the Department of Theatre, is designed for students wishing to expand their employment opportunities both within and outside the sphere of professions in theatre. In addition to preparing students for careers that are directly related to theatre, the minor will afford opportunities to expand creative, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills that will prove useful in virtually any professional area. The academic minor is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at Michigan State University other than the Bachelor of Arts Degree or the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theatre. With the approval of the department and college that administers the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree.
Students who plan to complete the requirements of the minor should consult the undergraduate adviser in the Department of Theatre.
Degree Requirements
Complete 18 credits from the following courses:
All of the following courses (12 credits):
Complete an additional 9 credits of Theatre electives.
For an appointment to set up the Minor in Theatre, please contact:
Amy Lampe
542 Auditorium Rd
Department of Theatre
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-6691 or lampeamy@msu.edu
To make an appointment, go to https://student.msu.edu