Guest Actor Dr. Fox and the Impossible Cure for Death (ĭmáGen, 2019)
Susan O’Dea is an actor, singer and musician based out of New York City. Her most notable performances include singing for Stephen Schwartz at Lincoln Center, The Obamas at the White House and performing with the NY Pops at Carnegie Hall. O’Dea is an alumni of the Boston Conservatory and is also a current member of the Grammy nominated Broadway Inspirational Voices under the direction of Michael McElroy ***Just this year the group was honored with their first TONY at the 2019 TONY Awards. She feels equally comfortable being on a big broadway stage, in front of a small camera or at a bar singing with one of her bands. Susan also believes that the smallest act of kindness can be the greatest thing in the world. For more info, follow her on Instagram @susanosings or susanosings.com.